
Secret Sonics 105 - Darrick Atwater - Going Deep on Sound Design

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Darrick Atwater is a music producer, sound designer, audio engineer, and artist based out of Atlanta, GA, USA. In his returning episode on the podcast, we chat about surviving the pandemic, going deep on sound design, wavetable synthesis 101, and so much more. The two of us also get real and talk about dealing with burnout, anxiety, and maintaining a sense of self-worth in this crazy industry. Check it out!

You can learn more about Darrick and get his sample and preset packs at https://www.agentmethod.net/#/

You can follow Darrick on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/darrickatwater/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Orion Remix" by IVEEN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3WVZeCUtrg&ab_channel=AgentMethod

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Darrick's first episode on Secret Sonics - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-025-darrick-atwater

Audiomovers - https://audiomovers.com/wp/
Slate Digital - https://slatedigital.com/
Phase Plant - https://kilohearts.com/products/phase_plant
MGK x Travis Barker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK-8TCDrbV8&ab_channel=MGKVEVO
Phoebe Bridgers guitar smash on SNL - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZjxLtQfO_w&ab_channel=PhoebeBridgers
Daniel Anglister - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/11/22/secret-sonics-073-daniel-anglister-how-to-make-impactful-records
Noga Erez - https://nogaerez.com/
Serum - https://xferrecords.com/products/serum
Mr. President "Coco Jumbo" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaZlFRL0ZB4&ab_channel=CrystalBird
Virtual Riot - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Riot
AU5 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au5
IVEEN - https://www.instagram.com/iveenofficial/?hl=en
Reason - https://www.reasonstudios.com/en/reason/rack-plugin
Korneff - https://korneffaudio.com/

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 104 - Andrew Maury - Mixing with Intuition

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Andrew Maury is a record producer and mixing engineer based out of Brooklyn, NY, USA. Andrew shares his journey from working FOH for Ra Ra Riot to mixing for acts such as Shawn Mendes and Lizzo. We go deep on his mindset when it comes to mixing, advantages of proper monitoring, avoiding burnout, moving into the box, and so much more! Check it out!

You can learn more about Andrew at http://andrewmaury.net/

You can follow Andrew on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/aemaury/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Go For It" by CRUISR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2_P9jLxPOU&ab_channel=CRUISR

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download
Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics
If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Andrew on Working Class Audio - https://www.workingclassaudio.com/wca-155-with-andrew-maury/
Carl Bahner - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/8/9/secret-sonics-058-carl-bahner
Ra Ra Riot - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra_Ra_Riot
Chris Walla - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Walla
Sound City - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_City_(film)
Teddy Geiger - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teddy_Geiger
"There’s Nothing Holding Me Back" by Shawn Mendes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT2owtxkU8k&ab_channel=ShawnMendesVEVO
"Jerome" by Lizzo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Necaw0YYpk8&ab_channel=LizzoMusic
ASC Attack Wall - https://www.rspeaudio.com/Attack-Wall-Webboutique-a/276.htm
Sam Sherbin - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/17/secret-sonics-080-sam-sherbin-the-feel-of-a-record
Jon Castelli - https://www.instagram.com/mixedbyjoncastelli/
ATC 25a - http://atcloudspeakers.co.uk/professional/loudspeakers/scm25a-pro/
Amphion one18 - https://amphion.fi/create/products-pro-audio/studio-monitors/one18-nearfield-studio-monitor-2/
Michael Brauer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Brauer
Daniel Anglister - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/11/22/secret-sonics-073-daniel-anglister-how-to-make-impactful-records
Noga Erez - https://nogaerez.com/
Kenny Beats - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenny_Beats
Avocet monitor controller - http://www.cranesong.com/avocet.html
CBS broadcast limiter - https://www.bn1studio.co.uk/on-the-bench-cbs-audimax-4450-stereo-compressor-leveller/
Decapitator - https://www.soundtoys.com/product/decapitator/
Classic Albums - Peter Gabriel: "So" - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3142710/
Boss OC-3 - https://www.boss.info/global/products/oc-3/
Michael League from Snarky Puppy - https://youtu.be/WI5Eg5Whu-8?t=184
Tech 21 Comp Tortian - https://www.tech21nyc.com/archive/comp-tortion/
Joe Laporta - https://sterling-sound.com/engineer/joe-laporta/
Justin Perkins - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/25/secret-sonics-094-justin-perkins-going-deep-with-mastering
UA Studer A800 - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/special-processing/studer-a800-tape-recorder.html
Oxford inflator - https://www.sonnox.com/plugin/oxford-inflator-v3

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 103 - Pete Lyman - How to Cut a Record

Pete Lyman is a mastering engineer and the owner of Infrasonic Mastering based out of Nashville, TN, USA. Pete shares his journey from being a "punk-rock kid" to mastering some of today's top records. He goes deep on his approach to mastering, running a mastering house, vinyl cutting, loudness and gain-staging, moving to Nashville, and so much more! Check it out!

You can learn more about Pete at https://www.infrasonicsound.com/pete

You can follow Pete on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/plyman/

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Justin Perkins - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/25/secret-sonics-094-justin-perkins-going-deep-with-mastering1956 Neumann AM-32B cutting lathe - https://www.robotlemon.com/juice/tag/1956+Neumann+AM-32B
Slayer’s "Reign in Blood" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reign_in_Blood
Dead Kennedys' "Frankenchrist" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenchrist
Richard Simpson - https://www.rpmrecords.dk/blog/record-cutting-and-stereo-bass-for-vinyl/
Rupert Neve Master Buss Processor - https://rupertneve.com/products/master-buss-processor
Warren Huart interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py-Kns83ZPM&ab_channel=ProduceLikeAPro
Maselec MPL 2 - http://www.maselec.com/products/mpl-2/index.html
Access Analog - https://accessanalog.com/
Brandi Carlile - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandi_Carlile
Chris Stapleton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Stapleton
Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit - https://www.jasonisbell.com/
Dan Bacigalupi - https://www.infrasonicsound.com/daniel
Fabfilter - https://www.fabfilter.com/
UA 2500 - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/compressors-limiters/api-2500-bus-compressor.html
BX digital v2 EQ - https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_hybrid_v2.html
G clip - https://www.gvst.co.uk/gclip.htm
Vance Powell - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/11/secret-sonics-092-vance-powell-capturing-the-magic
PMC BB5 XPD - https://pmc-speakers.com/products/archive/archive/bb5-xbd
Trinnov System - https://www.trinnov.com/
Piper Payne - http://www.piperpayne.com/
Audeze LCD-X - https://www.audeze.com/products/lcd-x
Raelynn Janicke - https://www.infrasonicsound.com/raelynn
Dave Gardner - https://www.infrasonicsound.com/dave
Dave Cobb - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Cobb

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 101 - Duane Lundy - A Nurturing Approach to Production

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Duane Lundy is a music producer and mixing engineer based out of Lexington, KY, USA! In this episode, Duane shared his journey; from tennis player and coach to jumping deep into music production. He talks about how he taught himself production, how he strives to nurture the artists he works with in order create a comfortable space to create in, his approach to tracking and mixing, working with legacy artists such as Ringo Starr, and so much more! Check it out!

You can follow Duane on Social Media

FB - https://www.facebook.com/The-Lexington-Recording-Company-110919066995445
IG - https://www.instagram.com/duanelundy/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here:

"Is This Life" by Miles Nielsen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbGeakwUHeM&ab_channel=MilesNielsen-Topic
Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook

"Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download
Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics
If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Justin Perkins - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/25/secret-sonics-094-justin-perkins-going-deep-with-mastering
Stergile Simpson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgill_Simpson
Joe Pug - https://joepugmusic.com/
Space Echo - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_RE-201
Chilton Console - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJmpCP-Z2Mw&ab_channel=JamieDurrantMusician-TalkingSonics
Ringo Starr - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringo_Starr
Ringo song Duane worked on - https://open.spotify.com/track/3jiC6BO9Zs0MqiFMwL0v6s?si=10b9a76dceb2440d
Joe Montigue - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/5/30/secret-sonics-099-joe-montague-going-deep-on-the-ringo-sound
IRKO - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/12/20/secret-sonics-076-irko-being-true-to-himself-and-the-music
Justin Craig - https://www.instagram.com/justinwcraig/
Miles Nielsen - https://www.milesnielsen.com/
Cheap Trick - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheap_Trick
Depth of Field (Duane's radio show) - https://esweku.org/depth-of-field

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 100 - Omer Karni - Deep Dive on Acoustic Treatment

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Omer Karni is an acoustician and studio designer/builder. He is the owner of Omer K Acoustic Design based out of Tel Aviv, Israel! In this episode, Omer shared his story - from audio engineer to acoustic designer. He shares how he built his business, how he learned about acoustics by trial and error, his approach to treating a room so that mixes translate, working for companies such as Waves Audio and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Omer and his work on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/omer.k.acoustics/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/omerkacoustics

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Room Modes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_modes#:~:text=Room%20modes%20are%20the%20collection,dimensions%20or%20a%20divisor%20thereof.
Sam Moses - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-035-sam-moses
Elisa Pangsaeng - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/2/7/secret-sonics-083-elisa-pangsaeng-allowing-music-to-inspire-audio
Focal Clear - https://amzn.to/3vWyGqg
Waves Audio - https://www.waves.com/
Barefoot Micromain 27 - https://barefootsound.com/micromain27/
Tannoy Gold - https://www.tannoy.com/product.html?modelCode=P0C2C
Kali Audio - https://www.kaliaudio.com/
Vance Powell - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/11/secret-sonics-092-vance-powell-capturing-the-magic

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 099 - Joe Montague - Going Deep on the "Ringo" Sound

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Joe Montague is a drummer and self-proclaimed Ringo fanatic who specializes in 60's style drum recordings. Joe is also the host of "That 60's Recording Podcast" and is based out of Northern England, UK! In this episode, Joe shared his story - from playing in bands and Beatlemania tribute shows to recording drums from his own studio for artists around the world. We go deep on his approach to acoustic treatment and mic placement, how he communicates with the artists he works with and so much more. Check it out!

You can find out more about Joe at https://www.allyouneedisdrums.com/

You can find Joe's podcast at https://that60srecordingpodcast.podbean.com/

You can find Joe on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/allyouneedisdrums/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Stay Home" by Chinofeldy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBgpgjCIby8&ab_channel=ChinoFeldy

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download
Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics
If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Waynes World drum shop scene - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qi3JERmk9E&ab_channel=Movieclips
Bob Armstrong - https://www.therhythmstudio.co.uk/news-posts/rs-archive-bob-armstrong-drumming-tips#:~:text=Bob%20Armstrong%20is%20the%20UK's,Mooney%20and%20many%20more...
Ringo Starr - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringo_Starr
Beatlemania - https://ukbeatlemania.com/about-us
Alex Sterling - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/2/21/secret-sonics-085-alex-sterling-building-a-home-for-music-in-nyc
Isolated Drums - https://www.allyouneedisdrums.com/isolated-drums-archive
Reslo RB 1 - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/101119954106533510/
Geoff Emerick’s Book - https://amzn.to/3uIkKPn
D19 mic - https://vintageking.com/akg-d19-c-dynamic-microphone-94823-vintagev
Vance Powell - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/11/secret-sonics-092-vance-powell-capturing-the-magic
Waves Abbey Road Plugins - https://www.waves.com/bundles/abbey-road-collection#legendary-analog-sound-abbey-road-collection
Sgt Peppers - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sgt._Pepper%27s_Lonely_Hearts_Club_Band
Abbey Road - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_Road
That 60’s Recording Podcast - https://that60srecordingpodcast.podbean.com/
Ken Scott - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Scott
Malcolm Toft - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Toft
John Kurlander - https://www.johnkurlander.com/
Sean Mercer - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/5/23/secret-sonics-098-sean-mercer-finding-magic-in-the-details
Joe Kane - https://www.hofner.com/news/news/view/label/Joe%20Kane%20-%20Them%20Beatles%20-%20Dr%20Cosmo%27s%20Tape%20Lab/
Aaron Sterling - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Sterling
Wilco - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilco

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 098 - Sean Mercer - Finding Magic in the Details

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Sean Mercer is a music producer, musician, and audio/mixing engineer based out of Baltimore, MD, USA! In this episode, Sean shared his story - how he transitioned from playing in local bands to recording and producing their music as well for a host of other artists spanning many genres. We go deep on his approach to producing and mixing, particularly his approach to drums. We also talk about his work with songwriter Jackson Dean, communication with artists, and how to generously educate them about the production process and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Sean at https://www.seanmerceraudio.com/

You can find Sean on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/sacred_bacon/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Golden Calf" by Yo No Say - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdU4B22YAyo&ab_channel=MagicMirrorMusic

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download
Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics
If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Mat Leffler-Schulman - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/3/14/secret-sonics-088-mat-leffler-schulman-building-a-life-around-music-and-audio
Jackson Dean - https://www.instagram.com/thejacksondean/?hl=en
Jackson Dean National Anthem - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecdW0RY9nBM&ab_channel=JacksonDean
Jeff Waters - https://www.instagram.com/jeffinbmore/?hl=en
Music at Emmanuel - Live Church recordings - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtOhNpd90gnb0UL7Vz5iwaj4tu07gsH0
Line Audio Mics - http://www.lineaudio.se/
Weiss Maximizer - https://www.softube.com/mm-1
EV 635A Microphone - https://products.electrovoice.com/na/en/635a/
Fabfilter Saturn - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/saturn-2-multiband-distortion-saturation-plug-in
Soundtoys - https://www.soundtoys.com/
Space Echo - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roland_RE-201

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 097 - Austin Hull - A Fresh Approach to Pop Music

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Austin Hull is a music producer, mixing engineer, and artist based out of Orlando, FL, USA! Austin is the founder and owner of Make Pop Music. In this episode, Austin shared his story - how he transitioned from playing in metal bands to producing pop music, how he started the Make Pop Music Facebook group and built a career in production. We go deep on his approach to producing and mixing, how he stays creative and inspired in the studio, communicating with artists and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Austin at https://www.austinhull.com/

You can find out more about Make Pop Music at https://www.makepopmusic.com/

You can find Austin on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/austinhull23/

You can find Make Pop Music on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/makepopmusic/

FB - https://www.facebook.com/groups/makepopmusic

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Gone in the Morning" by Liam Ferrari - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfEgpdtc6-s&ab_channel=LiamFerrari

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Six-Figure Home Studio podcast episode with Austin - https://www.thesixfigurehomestudio.com/how-to-build-an-audio-career-100-online-from-anywhere-in-the-world-with-austin-hull/
House of Balloons The Weeknd - https://open.spotify.com/album/7zCODUHkfuRxsUjtuzNqbd?autoplay=true
Max Martin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Martin
Blackbear’s Sex EP mixtape - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJkYpyer3so&ab_channel=MindsAblaze2
Ariana Grande tutorial video - https://youtu.be/A_9zYei1Rvo
Two-Sided Mind - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNw4vHKctzE&ab_channel=AustinHull
How to make a pop song in 10 steps - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4YixkCxZk8&ab_channel=MakePopMusic
Verbsuite Classics - https://slatedigital.com/verbsuite-classics/
Fabfilter Pro R - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-r-reverb-plug-in
Valhalla Vintage Verb - https://valhalladsp.com/shop/reverb/valhalla-vintage-verb/
R-Vox - https://www.waves.com/plugins/renaissance-vox
Slate 2a - https://slatedigital.com/fg-2a/
Slate VBC - https://slatedigital.com/virtual-buss-compressors/
Lin MB Waves - https://www.waves.com/plugins/linear-phase-multiband-compressor
Fabfilter Saturn - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/saturn-2-multiband-distortion-saturation-plug-in

Plugin Alliance Black Box - https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/black_box_analog_design_hg-2.html
Pro-L 2 - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-l-2-limiter-plug-in
Virtual Tape Machine - https://slatedigital.com/virtual-tape-machines/
How to make a Lauv style track MPM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLUoDzuAJM&ab_channel=MakePopMusic
Daniel Grimmett - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/3/21/secret-sonics-089-daniel-grimmett-helping-music-producers-succeed
Focal Shape 65 - https://www.focal.com/en/pro-audio/monitoring-speakers/shape/monitoring-speakers/shape-65

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 096 - Sophie Ackroyd - Getting to the Heart of the Song

Secret Sonics 096.png

Sophie Ackroyd is a music producer and songwriter based out of London, England, UK! In this episode, Sophie shared her journey - from working a day job at the BBC to managing a London recording studio to writing and producing for artists. We talked about her approach to artist development, production, communication and even touched on slowing down and practicing self-care during the pandemic. Check it out!

You can find out more about Sophie at http://sophieackroyd.co.uk/

You can find Sophie on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/soundslikesoph/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here: "Good on Me" by BOBBi - https://open.spotify.com/album/4psVza2lE0cHEM00sIPGNR?highlight=spotify:track:2P83ymA5SjyxWcQD1b60sw

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Ruby Smith - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/3/26/secret-sonics-090-ruby-smith-blending-artistry-and-engineering
ICMP college - https://www.icmp.ac.uk/
Sphere recording studio - https://www.allstudios.co.uk/featured-studio/sphere-studios-london/
Red Bull Studios - https://www.redbullmusicstudios.com/
Spotify Noteable - https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/spotify-bins-secret-genius-launches-noteable-hub-for-songwriters-producers-and-publishers/
Vocalsynth (izotope) - https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vocalsynth.html
Waves Morphoder - https://www.waves.com/plugins/morphoder
Yoga with Adriene - https://yogawithadriene.com/
Sam Cramer - https://www.instagram.com/samcramerrr/
Lewis Chapman - https://www.instagram.com/lewis.chapman.14/
Katie Tavini - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/24/secret-sonics-081-katie-tavini-mastering-music-with-intent

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 095 - Chris Graham - Helping Audio People in His Own Unique Way

Secret Sonics 095.png

Chris Graham is a mastering engineer and the owner of Chris Graham Mastering in Columbus, OH, USA! He's also the founder of Bounce Butler and the co-host of the Six Figure Home Studio Podcast. In this episode, Chris shared his journey from musician to mastering engineer and his unique approach to building his business. We talked about how he's able to master using a laptop and headphones, why outboard gear is no longer necessary and we also talked about mental health and how he's trying to grow from his past experiences. Check it out!

You can find out more about Chris at the following places -

Business coaching - https://chrisgrahamcoaching.com/

Bounce Butler - https://www.bouncebutler.com/

Mastering - https://www.chrisgrahammastering.com/

Podcast - https://www.thesixfigurehomestudio.com/podcast/

You can find Chris on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/chris_graham/

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Fischer 400 amplifier - https://classicreceivers.com/fisher-400
Songs in the Key of Life - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songs_in_the_Key_of_Life
Bob Ludwig - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ludwig
Brian Hood - https://456recordings.com/#about
Auedeze LCD-X - chrisgrahammastering.com/headphones coupon code: 6fhs

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 094 - Justin Perkins - Going Deep with Mastering

Secret Sonics 094.png

Justin Perkins is a mastering engineer and the owner of Mystery Room Mastering in Milwaukee, WI, USA! In this episode, Justin shared his journey; from recording bands in high school to working in recording studios to niching down into mastering. We go deep on his approach to mastering, including his unique method of quality assurance, how he uses Reaper, outboard gear, RX, and Wavelab in tandem to do the work he does and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Justin at https://www.mysteryroommastering.com/

You can find Justin on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/mystery_room_mke/

FB - https://www.facebook.com/MysteryRoomMastering

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Joe Costable - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/3/7/secret-sonics-087-joe-costable-mixing-with-intent
Matt Boudreau - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/2/14/secret-sonics-084-matt-boudreau-sustaining-a-life-in-audio
Working Class Audio episode - https://www.workingclassaudio.com/wca-156-with-justin-perkins/
Lookout records - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lookout_Records
CD Architect - https://www.amazon.com/Sony-CD-Architect-5-2-Download/dp/B00DQG89XU
Smart Studios - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Studios
Death Cab for Cutie - Plans - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plans_(album)
Waynes World - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne%27s_World_(film)
Trevor Sadler - http://www.mastermindproductions.net/credit.htm
Bob Katz Book - https://amzn.to/32MKKNW
iZotope RX - https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx.html
Reaper - https://www.reaper.fm/
William Bowser - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/10/18/secret-sonics-068-william-bowser
Wavelab - https://new.steinberg.net/wavelab/
Bettermaker - http://www.bettermaker.eu/
Cranesong HEDD - http://www.cranesong.com/hedd.html
Audeze 4z - https://www.audeze.com/products/lcd-4z
PSI monitors - https://www.psiaudio.swiss/
Glenn Schick Mastering - https://www.gsmastering.com/
Cranesong Avocet - http://www.cranesong.com/avocet.html
Pro Audio Files article about mastering preparation - https://theproaudiofiles.com/mastering-preparation/
Bitter by Stillwell - https://www.stillwellaudio.com/plugins/bitter/
Pro Audio Files - -6db myth - https://theproaudiofiles.com/6-db-headroom-mastering-myth-explained/

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 093 - Taylor Hahn - Building a Life of Growth in Audio

Secret Sonics 093.png

Taylor Hahn a record producer, recording/mixing engineer, and the owner of Hahn Audio in Denver, CO, USA! In this episode, Taylor shared his journey; from quitting his day job to building recording studios and making records. We go deep on his approach to mixing, tracking electric guitars, why he believes in analog summing, why he only books out one project at a time, communication with bands and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Taylor at https://www.hahnaudio.com/

You can find Taylor on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/hahnaudio/

FB - https://www.facebook.com/hahnaudio/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here:

"Don't Let Me Go" by The Regular - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttcBmVCj210&ab_channel=TheRegularMusic

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Nicholas Di Lorenzo - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/6/28/secret-sonics-052-nicholas-di-lorenzo
ATC 45s - http://atcloudspeakers.co.uk/professional/loudspeakers/scm45a-pro/
As I Lay Dying - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_I_Lay_Dying_(band)
Atreyu - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atreyu
Hunter Reece - https://iamhunterreece.com/
Kemper amps - https://www.kemper-amps.com/profiler/overview
STL profiler - https://www.stltones.com/products/stl-tonehub-plugin
Overloud profiler - https://slatedigital.com/th-u/
Dangerous 2 bus plus summing mixer - https://www.dangerousmusic.com/product/2-bus-plus
SSL 611 EQ - https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/611EQX2--solid-state-logic-611eq-500-series-parametric-equalizer
Tubetech pe1c - http://www.tube-tech.com/pe-1c-program-equalizer/
LA-2A - https://www.uaudio.com/hardware/la-2a.html
Distressor - https://www.empiricallabs.com/distressor/
Slate 2A - https://slatedigital.com/fg-2a/
Zen and the Art of Mixing - https://amzn.to/3dsu4S3
Vance Powell - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/4/11/secret-sonics-092-vance-powell-capturing-the-magic
Burl Converters - https://burlaudio.com/
Bricasti M7 - https://www.bricasti.com/en/pro/m7.php
Alan Douches - https://westwestsidemusic.com/about/
Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIajEyhwUdE&ab_channel=BlackHoleOfMusic
Telefunkin U47 - https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/U47--telefunken-u47-large-diaphragm-tube-condenser-microphone
Focal Twin 6s - https://www.focal.com/en/pro-audio/monitoring-speakers/sm6/monitoring-speakers/twin6-be
The Regular - https://theregular.bandcamp.com/
Ted Jenson - https://sterling-sound.com/engineer/ted-jensen/
Chris Garinger - https://sterling-sound.com/manager/chris-grainger/
Adam Grover - https://sterling-sound.com/engineer/adam-grover/

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 092 - Vance Powell - Capturing the Magic

Secret Sonics 092.png

Vance Powell is a 6-time Grammy-winning record producer and audio/mixing engineer based out of Sputnik Sound in Nashville, TN, USA! In this episode, Vance shared his journey; from working front of house to producing and mixing Grammy-winning records for artists such as Jars of Clay, The Raconteurs, Jack White, Chris Stapleton, and many many more. We got deep on his approach to mixing and why analog gear still matters. Check it out!

You can find out more about Vance at http://www.sputniksound.com/vance/

You can find Vance on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/vancalot/

You can listen to the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here:

"Blacklist" by Carina Frantzen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t89YLccowFo&ab_channel=CarinaFrantzen

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Matt Boudreau - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/2/14/secret-sonics-084-matt-boudreau-sustaining-a-life-in-audio
Jars of Clay - The 11th Hour - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eleventh_Hour_(Jars_of_Clay_album)
Lou Whitney - https://tapeop.com/interviews/98/lou-whitney/
Blackbird Studio - https://www.blackbirdstudio.com/
John McBride - https://www.blackbirdstudio.com/about-us
Mitch Dane - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Dane
Jacquire King - https://www.jacquireking.com/
Richard Dodd - http://richarddodd.com/
Jack White - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_White
The Raconteurs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Raconteurs
Icky Thump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OjTspCqvk8&ab_channel=TheWhiteStripes
Joe Chicarelli - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Chiccarelli
Rome - Jack White and Dangermouse - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_(Danger_Mouse_and_Daniele_Luppi_album)
Would You Fight For My Love? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQOnbp_DspY&ab_channel=JackWhiteVEVO
Sea of Cowards - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Cowards
I’m Shakin’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkcGuZHPbKk&ab_channel=JackWhiteVEVO
South Park Guitar Hero - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zb629CHOxE&ab_channel=SouthParkClips
Diarrhea Planet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnb9cnsA6V4&ab_channel=KEXP
Brandi - Carlile - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandi_Carlile
Dave Cobb - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Cobb
Phish - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phish
Trey Anastasio - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trey_Anastasio
The Barn - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Barn_(recording_studio)#:~:text=The%20Barn%20is%20a%20recording,Green%20Mountains%20near%20Burlington%2C%20Vermont.&text=Phish%20has%20used%20the%20Barn,exception%20of%20Joy%20(2009).
Ghosts of the Forest - https://trey.com/projects/ghosts-of-the-forest/
Chris Stapleton - "Cold" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq15HXc6pmw&ab_channel=ChrisStapletonVEVO
Rick Barnes - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/5/10/secret-sonics-045-rick-barnes
Pete Lyman - https://www.infrasonicsound.com/pete
Chris Athens - https://chrisathensmasters.com/
Gavin Lursssen - https://lurssenmastering.com/
Carina Frantzen - https://www.carinafrantzen.com/
David Beck Bass - https://www.davidbeckdavidbeck.com/

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 091 - Caleb Parker - Getting the Most Out of a Performance

Secret Sonics 091 (1).png

Caleb Parker is an audio/mixing engineer and music producer based out of Highland Park, CA, USA! In this episode, Caleb shared his journey from being a guitarist to managing the sound for Scary Pockets and mixing for acts such as Vulfpeck and Pomplamoose. We got deep on his approach to live-tracking bands, mixing, and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Caleb at http://www.williamcalebparker.com/

You can find Caleb on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/wcalebparker/

You can listen to the songs we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in their entireties here:

"Still Feeling You" by Couch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4s5040zal8&ab_channel=Couch-Topic

"Karma Police" cover by Scary Pockets (Radiohead) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTJvNeHxbyc&ab_channel=ScaryPockets

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Scary Pockets - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2JUs_G21BrJ0efehwGkUw
Pomplamoose - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomplamoose
Vulfpeck (live at MSG) - https://youtu.be/rv4wf7bzfFE
Ryan Lerman - https://ryanlerman.com/
Matt Ross-Spang - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Ross-Spang
Jack Conte - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Conte
Jack Stratton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulfpeck
Lake Street Dive - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Street_Dive
Scary Pockets - Happy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOAcSwA8LnU&ab_channel=ScaryPockets
Scary Goldings - https://open.spotify.com/album/6WMA4IvnIOuZNezGwkd8Jv
Craig Polasko - https://www.instagram.com/camfonics/?hl=en
AEA KU5A - https://www.aearibbonmics.com/products/ku5a/
Steve Albini - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Albini
Ryan Freeland - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Freeland
Plugin Alliance SVT classic - https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/ampeg_svtvr_classic.html
FF Pro Q 3 - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-q-3-equalizer-plug-in
UA MEQ 5 - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/equalizers/pultec-passive-eq-collection.html
Goodhertz Plugins - https://goodhertz.co/
Scary Pockets "Sweet Child O’ Mine" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl7a9YztLN4&ab_channel=ScaryPockets
Reuben Cohen - https://lurssenmastering.com/reuben-cohen/
Tchad Blake - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tchad_Blake
Kush Clariphonic - https://thehouseofkush.com/products/clariphonic-dsp-mkii
Studer A800 - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/special-processing/studer-a800-tape-recorder.html
Overtone EQ - https://www.soundspot.audio/downloads/overtone-mastering-equalizer-audio-plugin/
Slate SSL Comp - https://slatedigital.com/virtual-buss-compressors/
PSP vintage warmer - https://www.pspaudioware.net/UserArea/store/view
Oxford Inflator - https://www.sonnox.com/plugin/oxford-inflator-v3
Fab Filter L2 - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-l-2-limiter-plug-in
64 Sound - https://www.64sound.com/
Monica Martin - https://www.instagram.com/monicamartin/?hl=en
Jeremy Most - https://www.allmusic.com/artist/jeremy-most-mn0001557937
Emily King - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_King
Cory Wong - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cory_Wong
Brian Greene - https://www.instagram.com/bgreensurfs/

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 090 - Ruby Smith - Blending Artistry and Engineering

Secret Sonics 090.png

Ruby Smith is a music producer, audio/mixing engineer, and artist based out of Berlin, Germany! In this episode, Ruby shared her journey moving to London from Australia and later to Berlin, working in large studios and working as a freelance producer and engineer. We discussed her solo artist project and how she works with other artists, her approach to mixing, why she loves analog reverb, why community is so important (in her words: "without the people, it's just gear"), and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Ruby at https://rubysmith.xyz/about

You can find Ruby on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/postdusk/

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@postdusk?lang=en

You can listen to the songs we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in their entireties here:

"Long Summer" by Post-Dusk (AKA Ruby) - https://purplesneakers.com.au/2021/03/watch-post-dusk-long-summer/

"Idiot's Dream" by Freddie Dickson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO0uonHDeUo&ab_channel=FreddieDickson

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Katie Tavini - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/24/secret-sonics-081-katie-tavini-mastering-music-with-intent
Chrissie Lopez - https://twitter.com/chrisylopezdrum?lang=en
Alan Moulder - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Moulder
Noatune studios - http://www.noatune.com/
Kota Banks - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kota_Banks
Red Bull Studios - https://www.redbullmusicstudios.com/
Strongroom Studios - https://www.strongroom.com/
Freddie Dickson - https://www.instagram.com/freddiedickson/?hl=en
Space Station Reverb - https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/ursa-major-space-station
Echoboy - https://www.soundtoys.com/product/echoboy/
FF Pro-DS - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-ds-de-esser-plug-in
Eiosis E2deesser - https://www.eiosis.com/e2deesser
Valhalla - https://valhalladsp.com/
Manny Reverb - https://www.waves.com/plugins/manny-marroquin-reverb#manny-marroquin-signature-series-overview
Phil Spector - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Spector
Mixerman - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-017-eric-sarafin-aka-mixerman
DT 770s - https://amzn.to/3smvUZG
Audiomovers - https://audiomovers.com/wp/
Asher Parkes - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/20/secret-sonics-006-asher-parkes
Arcade Fire - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_Fire
Marta Salogni - https://www.instagram.com/martasalogni/?hl=en
David Wrench - https://www.soundonsound.com/people/david-wrench
Ebonie Smith - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/6/14/secret-sonics-050-ebonie-smith
Layla Moheimani - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/7/19/secret-sonics-055-layla-moheimani
WMA - https://womensaudiomission.org/
Ami Kozak - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/3/secret-sonics-078-ami-kozak-how-to-grow-your-following

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 089 - Daniel Grimmett - Helping Music Producers Succeed

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Daniel Grimmett is a consultant based out of Charlotte, NC, USA, who helps freelance music producers build a long-term career in the highly competitive, internet-driven music industry! In this episode, Daniel shared his journey from musician to music producer to eventually becoming a business consultant. He shared with me how he helps producers grow their businesses; using the internet to network, creating additional revenue streams, creating the right content, why you might want to launch an online course (hint, it's not what you think), and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Daniel at https://darklabelmusic.com/

You can find Daniel on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/darklabelmusic/

You can connect with Daniel at support @ danielgrimmett dot com

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Chris Garges - https://www.instagram.com/oldhousestudio/
Drew Allsbrook - https://www.instagram.com/drewallsbrook/
Jonathan Roye - https://www.instagram.com/jonathanroye/
Austin Hull (Make Pop Music) - https://www.austinhull.com/
Mike Mani - https://darklabelmusic.com/about/
Ami Kozak - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/3/secret-sonics-078-ami-kozak-how-to-grow-your-following
Mark Eckert - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/5/31/secret-sonics-048-mark-eckert
1,000 true fans (Kevin Kelly) - https://kk.org/thetechnium/1000-true-fans/
Nicholas Di Lorenzo - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/6/28/secret-sonics-052-nicholas-di-lorenzo
Music Pro Daily - https://anchor.fm/musicprodaily
Alyssa Wilkens - https://www.alyssawilkens.com/
John Mclucas - https://www.johnmclucas.com/
Alex Clare - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Clare
Dababy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DaBaby

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 088 - Mat Leffler-Schulman - Building a Life Around Music and Audio

Secret Sonics 088.png

Mat Leffler-Schulman is a mastering engineer based out of Baltimore, MD, USA! In this episode, Mat shared his journey; quitting his government job in DC to open a recording studio in Baltimore. He told me about taking his family abroad for a year while niching down into mastering as well as his approach to mastering records and his favorite speakers. We even got nerdy about our favorite microphones and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Mat at https://matlefflerschulman.com/

You can find Mat on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/mobtownstudios/

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Katie Tavini - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/24/secret-sonics-081-katie-tavini-mastering-music-with-intent
Future Islands - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Islands
Bob Katz’s Book on Mastering - https://amzn.to/3qO6uSW

Dan Coutant - https://srmastering.com/

Alex Saltz - https://www.apsmastering.com/
Soothe - https://oeksound.com/plugins/soothe2/
Dangerous Compressor - https://www.dangerousmusic.com/product/compressor
Sean Mercer - https://www.instagram.com/sacred_bacon/
Tyler Acoustics - http://www.tyleracoustics.com/
Hillel Reiner - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/19/secret-sonics-003-hillel-reiner
Massive Passive - https://www.manley.com/pro/msmp
Vari-Mu - https://www.manley.com/pro/mslchp
ITI EQ - https://vintageking.com/iti-me-230-stereo-eq-109-used
The Attack and Release Show - https://attackandreleaseshow.fireside.fm/
Wavelab - https://new.steinberg.net/wavelab/
Justin Perkins - https://justincarlperkins.com/
Hofa DDP - https://hofa-plugins.de/en/plugins/cd-burn-ddp-master/
Session Recall - https://session-recall.com/en/

Church recording that Mat did recently - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL8CyIuAdus&ab_channel=EmmanuelEpiscopalChurchBaltimore
Beyerdynamic M160 - https://north-america.beyerdynamic.com/m-160.html
Sennheiser 441 - https://vintageking.com/sennheiser-md-441-u
AEA R84 - https://vintageking.com/aea-r84-ribbon-single
RE 320 - https://amzn.to/2OxaNFh
Music Video with the RE 320 on the guitar - https://www.facebook.com/rodanzmusic/videos/256943238648513/
Zoom Recorder - https://amzn.to/3bKzkj1

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 087 - Joe Costable - Mixing with Intent

Secret Sonics 087.png

Joe Costable is a mixing engineer based out of NY, USA! In this episode, Joe shared his journey niching down into mixing as well as his approach to mixing; including communication with artists, why he doesn't reference while mixing, why stems are built into his template and so much more! He also shared wisdom on how to treat a room, what it takes to succeed in this field, and did an elaborate "Sauce" segment where he shared individual elements of the mix we broke down from his Pro Tools session. Check it out!

You can find out more about Joe at https://www.joecostable.com/

You can find Joe on Social Media

IG - https://www.instagram.com/mixedbyjoe/

You can check out the song we discussed in the "Sauce" segment in its entirety here:

"Sunday Sunshine" by Young Rising Sons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4L7gw4VgbIE&ab_channel=YoungRisingSons

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Working Class Audio - https://www.workingclassaudio.com/wca-160-with-joe-costable/
Mixerman's "Zen and the Art of Mixing" - https://amzn.to/3bsyMyd
Resonant Bass Traps - https://www.acousticfields.com/diy-bass-traps/
Room EQ wizard - https://www.roomeqwizard.com/
Justin Long - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/8/16/secret-sonics-059-justin-long
The Orphan the Poet - https://theorphanthepoet.com/
Echoboy - https://www.soundtoys.com/product/echoboy/
Valhalla - https://valhalladsp.com/
Waves Abbey Road Chambers - https://www.waves.com/plugins/abbey-road-chambers
McDSP - https://www.mcdsp.com/
SSL - https://www.solidstatelogic.com/products/plug-ins
Chandler Curve Bender EQ - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/mastering/chandler-limited-curve-bender.html
Kush Clariphonic - https://thehouseofkush.com/products/clariphonic-dsp-mkiiMelotron
Wes Anderson - https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0027572/
Soothe - https://oeksound.com/plugins/soothe2/
J37 tape - https://www.waves.com/plugins/j37-tape#how-to-use-the-j37-tape-plugin
Sibilance - https://www.waves.com/plugins/sibilance#how-to-de-ess-vocals-sibilance-plugin-tutorial
UAD precision De-esser - https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/special-processing/precision-de-esser.html
Mike Kalajian at Rogue Planet Mastering - https://www.rogueplanetmastering.com/mike-kalajian-1
Sam Moses - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-035-sam-moses

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 086 - Ed Boyer - Shaping the Sound of A Cappella Music

Secret Sonics 086.png

Ed Boyer is an arranger, producer, and audio/mixing engineer for a cappella music based out of Connecticut, USA! In this episode, check out Ed's journey; from recording his collegiate a cappella group to mixing for films such as Pitch Perfect and for groups such as Pentatonix. Ed shared his approach to mixing a cappella, industry wisdom he's acquired over the years, and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Ed at http://edboyeracappella.com/

The group we discussed in the "Sauce" segment - https://www.naturallyseven.com/

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Pentatonix - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentatonix
Six13 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six13
The Maccabeats - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Maccabeats
Tufts Beelzebubs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beelzebubs
Bill Hare - https://www.billhareacappella.com/
The Sing-Off - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sing-Off
Deke Sharon - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deke_Sharon
The Contemporary A Cappella Society of America - https://casa.org/
Madison Gate - https://www.madisongaterecords.com/
Pentatonix Christmas Album - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Pentatonix_Christmas
Naturally 7 - https://www.naturallyseven.com/
Goliath 2 - https://tone-empire.com/shop/goliath-v2/
Sam Moses - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-035-sam-moses

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!


Secret Sonics 085 - Alex Sterling - Building a Home for Music in NYC

Secret Sonics 085 (1).png

Alex Sterling is an audio engineer, music producer, studio owner, and entrepreneur based out of NYC, NY, USA! In this episode, check out Alex's journey; from building relationships to building studios, recording philharmonic orchestras, his approach to mixing and mastering, monitoring, going to Mix With the Masters, his new exciting business venture and so much more! Check it out!

You can find out more about Alex at http://precisionsoundstudios.com/

You can find Alex on Social Media

IG: https://www.instagram.com/precisionsoundnyc/?hl=en

Subscribe to the podcast and get my free guidebook "Music Production Essentials" here - https://mpe-ebook.benwallick.com/free-download

Join the Secret Sonics Facebook community here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/secretsonics

If you'd like to help support Secret Sonics, you can do so by visiting https://www.buymeacoffee.com/benwallick


Sam Sherbin - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/17/secret-sonics-080-sam-sherbin-the-feel-of-a-record
IAR - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_of_Audio_Research
Irko - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/12/20/secret-sonics-076-irko-being-true-to-himself-and-the-music
Skyler Cocco - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/1/10/secret-sonics-079-skyler-cocco-following-her-own-creative-compass
Maz from Snarky Puppy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPvLo7gUjTU&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=GroundUPMusicNYC
Bernard Fox - https://bernardfox.com/
David Chesky - https://chesky.com/pages/david-chesky
Philharmonic of the Americas - https://www.laphil.com/musicdb/artists/4200/philharmonic-orchestra-of-the-americas
SSL Duality - https://www.solidstatelogic.com/products/duality-fuse
Jungle City recording - https://junglecitystudios.com/
Fabfilter Pro-DS - https://www.fabfilter.com/products/pro-ds-de-esser-plug-in
The Magic Death Eye - http://magicdeatheye.com/
Sam Moses - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-035-sam-moses
Matt Garber - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2020/4/21/secret-sonics-042-matthew-garber
Tom Elmhurst - https://tomelmhirst.net/
Mix with the Masters France - https://mixwiththemasters.com/seminars
Matt Boudreau - https://www.benwallick.com/podcast-episodes/2021/2/14/secret-sonics-084-matt-boudreau-sustaining-a-life-in-audio
Michael Brauer - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Brauer
Joe Chiccarelli - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Chiccarelli
Jimmy Douglass - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Douglass
Manny Marroquin - http://www.mannymarroquin.com/
Greg Wells - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Wells
ATC SCM 110 - http://atcloudspeakers.co.uk/professional/loudspeakers/scm110asl-pro/
Heracio Malvicino studio designer - https://www.malvicinodg.com/about/
Sylomer material - https://www.pyroteknc.com/products/sylomer/#:~:text=Sylomer%2C%20the%20special%20PUR%20Elastomer,returns%20to%20its%20original%20form.

Alex's new speaker stand product - https://www.instagram.com/spacelabsystems/?igshid=18wdjzwvwf57t
Lynx (producer) - https://www.instagram.com/lynxmusic7/?hl=en

Thanks for listening to this episode of Secret Sonics! I hope you enjoyed this episode :) Look out for new episodes weekly. Consider rating and reviewing our show on Apple Podcasts and sharing this or any of your favorite episodes with a friend or two.

Thank you to Zvi Rodan, Mendy Portnoy, and Yakir Hyman for contributing to the new podcast theme music!

You can find out more about Secret Sonics and subscribe on your favorite podcast app by visiting www.secretsonics.co

***If you want the show to continue to improve, feel free to fill out a listener survey here: https://forms.gle/BWKmS4YmESYid5rh8 ***

Follow along via social media here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SecretSonicsPod
Instagram: www.instagram.com/secretsonics/

Feel free to email me at secretsonics@gmail.com with any questions and feedback you might have. I'm open to learning about what topics you'd like to hear about and which people you'd like to hear from. In pursuit of making this podcast truly helpful to anybody looking to improve at music production, all suggestions are truly welcome!

Have a great week, stay safe, and dig in!
